Food and Body 2-min Quiz

Eating and Weight Breakthrough - Your Self-Care Practices with Food, Body and Beyond

Chances are you want to have healthy eating and self-care practices that last, to feel around food, and at peace with your body without food and weight constraints. 

Getting clear on what steps you can take to create meaningful shifts toward that end can be a game-changer.

This is exactly why I created the Food and Body Quiz.  In less than 2 minutes you’ll not only identify the areas where you feel you are doing well, but you’ll also discover some areas that might need some new strategies.

To ease any anxiety as a quiz-taker, know that your answers are not expected to be 10s - which would indicate a level of mastery you've already worked to achieve or you already have as natural practice.  

Your answers are a reflection of where you feel that you are now in relation to each of the different statements, anywhere between 0-10!  

Give yourself credit for any amount of experience or practice you already have in place, and know that you can learn new skills or strategies to improve in each area with rapid progress!

Add, to your accepted email list, so that your quiz results don't end up in your filtered (or spam) mail.

After taking this quick quiz, check your email inbox right away for your Results. 
If not there, double-check your Filtered Mail.

In your email, you will find a summary of your results and some possible next steps based on your food and body goals.